Charlotte Knee and Hip Injury Attorney

Charlotte Knee and Hip Injury Attorney

Injuries to the joints can be life-changing, especially injuries to the knees and hips that can interfere with walking, lifting, and other movements. Many people who sustain these injuries face years of medical complications, including chronic pain, diminished range of motion, and a host of other symptoms.

Experienced Legal Representation for Knee and Hip Injury Claims in Charlotte, NC

If you or a loved one recently suffered any type of hip or knee injury while working in Charlotte, NC, you likely have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim through your employer. However, the workers’ compensation claim process is often challenging, and many injured workers face unexpected difficulties in their efforts to obtain compensation for these work-related injuries. As a result, some also have the right to pursue further legal action outside of the workers’ compensation system.

The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, specializes in work-related injury cases. Our firm has helped many past clients navigate the complex workers’ compensation claim process and approach the process with peace of mind. We also have experience helping clients understand their options for more extensive legal recourse when workers’ compensation benefits are unavailable or cannot compensate for their losses alone. If you or a loved one suffered a hip or knee injury at work, it’s vital to have a reliable attorney on your side who can guide you through the legal mechanisms necessary for securing the compensation you need to recover.

Benefits of Working With a Charlotte Knee and Hip Injury Attorney

While there may not be a strict legal requirement for you to hire legal representation for your work-related injury case, you have a much better chance of reaching the best possible outcome for your recovery efforts when you have experienced legal counsel advising you. Filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits is similar to filing any other type of insurance claim. However, you face the added complication of your employer’s involvement.

We will help you address any disputes that arise between you, your employer, and/or their insurance carrier. Once you receive a benefits determination, we will verify that it is suitable under the terms of your employer’s insurance policy and for addressing the full scope of your condition. If your claim is denied, if your employer interferes with your claim in any way, or if you have grounds for more extensive legal action aside from your workers’ compensation claim, we will help you address these issues on your behalf.

The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, has the experience and resources you need on your side to navigate all the recovery options available to you after a serious hip or knee injury at work. Our firm will help you file your workers’ compensation claim in a timely manner, increasing the chances of securing the benefits you legally deserve as swiftly as possible after your injury. In addition, since hip and knee injuries tend to cause a host of long-term complications, we aim to help our clients determine the full breadth of recovery options available to them beyond workers’ compensation. Whatever your injury claim entails, you can rely on our team to answer your questions and address any concerns that arise throughout your recovery efforts.

Common Complications From Knee and Hip Injuries

Hiring an experienced Charlotte knee and hip injury attorney means you will have a dedicated legal advocate who has solid professional experience handling cases similar to yours. Knee and hip injuries are particularly troublesome due to the high chance of them causing long-term or permanent complications. In addition, many victims face painful medical procedures immediately following these injuries, only to face even more demanding long-term recoveries that entail difficult physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Most people who sustain severe knee and hip injuries at work face long-term or permanent effects to some level. These effects may include chronic pain, restricted mobility, and diminished range of motion. Therefore, when you have suffered any such injury from work, the first steps you take toward recovery are critical when it comes to preserving your long-term needs and interests.

The victim of any work-related knee or hip injury is likely to contend with difficult symptoms and a complex series of legal proceedings to secure the compensation they need to recover as fully as possible. If you are unsure how to proceed after a knee or hip injury at work, The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, is ready to assist you with compassionate and responsive legal counsel through all stages of your recovery efforts.

Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim in Charlotte

Every employer in North Carolina must have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. This is maintained similar to any other type of insurance, and your employer pays a monthly premium to maintain their policy. Their premium rate is typically based on their insurance company’s perception of their level of risk. Employers in fields that have a high risk of injury tend to pay higher premiums, and premiums may increase when multiple employees file claims within relatively short periods of time.

Having the right attorney on your side through the workers’ compensation claim process significantly improves your chances of reaching the best results possible. In addition, once the insurance company notices you have legal representation advising you, the insurance company representative assigned to your case will be more likely to handle the claim efficiently and in good faith.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits Available in the State

Once a workers’ compensation claim is approved, the insurance carrier delivers a determination of benefits to the claimant. Generally, a workers’ compensation claim will yield two types of benefits to the claimant: medical expense coverage and ongoing disability payments for inability to work. Medical expense coverage is fairly straightforward. If the claimant’s injury occurred at work or while they were performing work-related duties, the insurance company pays for any and all medical care they require to heal as fully as medically possible. Disability benefits are more variable and are usually awarded in one of four possible ways:

  1. Temporary partial disability benefits are most appropriate for claimants who are still able to work but cannot earn the same amount of income due to their injury. These benefits effectively make up the difference in their income after their injury.
  2. Temporary total disability benefits are paid when a claimant is entirely unable to work and earn income while they recover from their injury. Most claimants who qualify for this level of disability receive about two-thirds of their average weekly wage each week until they are able to return to work.
  3. Permanent partial disability benefits. These benefits are continuously paid to make up the difference in income for a claimant whose earning power is diminished due to their injury and who will not recover completely.
  4. Permanent total disability benefits, which are rarely awarded, and only those who have been completely permanently disabled from their injuries will qualify for this level of compensation.

When it comes to “permanent” disability benefits, it is important to understand that the term “permanent” can be misleading as these benefits determinations typically have expiration dates. Your Charlotte knee and hip injury attorney can help determine the scope of benefits you qualify to receive and help you maximize the determination received from the insurance company if your injury is severe enough to qualify for permanent benefits.

When it comes to any type of partial disability benefits, the purpose of this level of compensation is to make up the difference between what the claimant is able to earn now after their injury compared to what they earned previously. If you are awarded any type of partial disability benefits through your workers’ compensation claim, you must regularly update the insurance carrier with your latest medical developments and report all the income you earn. If you fail to meet these requirements, you could be disqualified from future benefits payments or even face prosecution for workers’ compensation fraud.

Disability Benefits for Knee and Hip Injuries

Even if you maximize the benefits available to you through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance policy, your benefits will eventually expire even if you have been left completely unable to work. A disability claim to the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be the best option for you to continue receiving compensation for your work injury. However, qualifying for Social Security Disability is far more challenging than facing a workers’ compensation claim, and the SSA denies the majority of claims filed each year, usually on technicalities.

Having an experienced Charlotte knee and hip injury attorney represent you means you will have a much greater chance of successfully securing the benefits you need when you have been permanently disabled. In addition, your legal team can help secure the medical documentation you may require to prove your eligibility, and they can also assist you in proving the scope of your diminished earning power resulting from the accident.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim for a Knee or Hip Injury at Work

In the event that you suffered a traumatic hip or knee injury due to the actions of a specific party, you likely have grounds to file a personal injury claim against them. If your injury occurred at work, but your supervisor or a coworker intentionally caused your injury, or if they caused your injury through an act of egregious negligence or reckless misconduct, they are likely liable for your damages, and you would also retain the right to file a workers’ compensation claim against them.

A third-party personal injury claim can enhance your recovery when workers’ compensation benefits alone cannot fully compensate for your damages. For instance, you may secure full medical expense coverage through workers’ compensation but only a portion of your total lost income. If you have grounds to file a third-party personal injury claim, you could not only secure repayment of the remainder of your lost income but other damages as well. Specifically, you could recover pain and suffering compensation from the defendant, which workers’ compensation does not cover.

If another party is directly responsible for your hip or knee injury at work, it is essential to find experienced legal counsel to guide you through your recovery efforts. The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, has substantial professional experience with all manner of work-related injury claims, including those that require not only workers’ compensation claims but also personal injury actions. We can help determine the full scope of damages you can recover for your injuries and help you file your claim against the party responsible for the injury in question.

What You Can Expect From a Charlotte Knee and Hip Injury Attorney

The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, strives to provide every client with individual attention and responsive legal guidance through all phases of their case. When you choose our firm to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim filing process, we will carefully review the details of the incident in question. In addition, we’ll verify that your employer has met all their legal obligations under North Carolina’s workers’ compensation laws, such as creating a formal incident report of the event that resulted in your injury and providing you with the materials needed to file your claim.

If your employer has interfered with your recovery efforts in any way, or if they have engaged in any form of illegal retaliation against you in response to your work injury claim filed in good faith, we can address these issues on your behalf. When it comes to negotiating a settlement with the workers’ compensation insurance carrier, we will review the terms of your employer’s policy to ensure it suits the full scope of your damages. Additionally, if the physician that performed your medical evaluation delivered a disability rating that you believe is inappropriate for the scope of your condition, we can help arrange a second opinion or explore other options to ensure your injury receives the compensation it legally deserves.

Joint Injury Law FAQs

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Charlotte Knee and Hip Injury Attorney?

A: State law limits the amount an attorney can charge their client for representation in a workers’ compensation case. When you hire The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, to represent you after a knee or hip injury, we only take a percentage of the final compensation you obtain in your recovery efforts. This contingency fee policy ensures that our legal representation is available to those who need it most.

Q: How Much Is My Hip or Knee Injury Claim Worth?

A: When you have experienced legal counsel representing you after a work-related injury, you should expect to secure, at minimum, full compensation for your medical expenses and temporary disability benefits for the time you are unable to work due to your injury. Depending on how your accident happened and whether a specific party caused it, you may be legally entitled to pursue further recovery efforts. When you choose The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, to represent you after a work-related hip or knee injury, we will help you determine the full range of recovery options available to you.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Secure Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

A: As long as you have reliable legal counsel advising you and you file your workers’ compensation claim in a timely fashion, it should only take a few weeks to receive your first benefits check. Most insurance carriers process claims efficiently and in good faith, but there is always a chance of encountering unexpected delays when it comes to securing your workers’ compensation benefits. Hiring experienced legal representation is the best way to avoid this and streamline your recovery efforts.

Q: What Happens if I Caused My Own Injury at Work?

A: Causing your own work-related injury does not necessarily disqualify you from filing a workers’ compensation claim. As long as you did so through an honest mistake and did not violate any laws or workplace safety regulations intentionally, you should still qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. However, if you caused your own injury due to egregious negligence or any form of intentional misconduct, such as working while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you would likely be disqualified from workers’ compensation benefits.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim?

A: In the event that you have grounds to file a third-party personal injury claim for your hip or knee injury at work, settlement may only take a few weeks as long as the defendant accepts liability and agrees to negotiate a resolution with you. An experienced Charlotte knee and hip injury attorney can streamline this process, but if your case must be resolved in litigation, it could take several months or even more than a year.

The Bollinger Law Firm, PC, has years of professional experience handling all manner of work-related injury claims on behalf of clients in Charlotte and throughout the state. We take time to develop truly individualized legal strategies for all the clients we represent. If you choose our firm to represent you, we will listen to your story and help you determine the full range of recovery options available to you. Contact us today and schedule your consultation with a Charlotte hip and knee injury attorney you can trust with your recovery.

Workers’ Compensation

Third-Party Claims

Social Security Disability