Industrial accidents pose great health risks to workers

Many hardworking men and woman have jobs in industrial facilities. Right here in Charlotte the employees of power companies, water facilities and other industrial operations keep the city running efficiently for its many citizens. Unfortunately, the dangers of working in such facilities pose many hazards to the safety of industrial workers.

A water treatment plant worker recently suffered injuries when he fell approximately 13 feet into an empty water tank. At the time of the industrial accident the worker was not wearing a safety harness though according to this story he should have been doing so when he fell. The extent of the worker’s injuries is not immediately known.

This work accident and many more like it demonstrate how industrial workers are often asked to perform dangerous tasks that put them in precarious situations. As in this case, often safety and protection equipment is available or required during industrial work but is not utilized either because workers are not provided with it or are not educated about its necessity.

As this worker begins his recovery, an investigation into the matter will most likely yield more facts as to how the accident occurred. Depending upon his abilities, the injured worker will likely be questioned as well to determine how the work accident transpired.

Industrial accidents can result in fines against companies from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration but individual injured workers can seek damages against their employers when those employers’ negligent or reckless conduct places them in harmful situations. As the facts of this matter develop, the injured worker may consider suing his employer to recover compensation for his medical expenses, lost wages and other losses.

Source: WBOC 16 News, “Worker Injured in Worcester County Industrial Accident,” Sept. 3, 2013

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