Postal worker injured in North Carolina

When driving down the road, motor vehicle drivers often may not be paying attention to their surroundings or to the rules of the road and those in bigger automobiles may not keep in mind that they need extra room to maneuver on the road. Not paying attention may lead to an accident that can result in injuries and even death.

When someone is injured during the course of their employment, he or she may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim to recover costs to cover medical expenses and even replace wages lost due to recuperation. A North Carolina workplace accident victim may be considering these options after a pickup driver struck her vehicle, resulting in injuring her.

The postal worker was making a U-turn at an intersection when a pickup truck hit her car. She flew out of her vehicle as a result of the impact. She was taken to the hospital to receive medical attention for her injuries.

The accident is under investigation, but preliminary reports indicate that the pickup driver was traveling at a high speed.

When a North Carolina worker is hurt on the job, time may be of the essence for filing a workers’ compensation claim. The injured worker has a right to file a claim and should consider doing it as soon as possible, as these claims can only be filed within a limited timeframe. However, when someone is injured he or she may not be thinking clearly at the time and may end up missing important legal deadlines; in this situation, an injury victim may want to consider seeking appropriate guidance and assistance.

Source: News & Record, “Postal worker injured in accident,” Nov. 30, 2013

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