Form 63, Medical Only, is a Fake Acceptance and Gives You NO Legal Rights

The “Form 63, Medical Only” is a fake ‘acceptance’ of your North Carolina Workers’ Compensation claim.   The “medical only” portion is block “2.” on the form.   If that is checked, then the insurance company is just blowing smoke up your behind.   They are not actually agreeing to cover your case.   They are just trying to send you to their hand-picked doctors, usually “occupational medicine” doctors who make their living taking care of people who get hurt at work at a particular company.   If you get a Form 63 Medical Only, you are in trouble with your case– and you have no legal rights that you can enforce under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act.   You need to contact us for a free consultation if you get one of these forms.  We can tell you how to get the ball rolling on your own, but if your case looks like one that they will probably try to deny, then we can tell you about the benefits of getting us involved at that early stage to fight for the benefits you deserve.

Bob Bollinger, Board Certified Specialist in NC Workers’ Compensation Law

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