Recognizing symptoms of a herniated disc

Between the bones in your spine, you have rubbery discs, and if anything causes damage to these discs, it may lead to considerable pain and discomfort. Many North Carolina residents with herniated disc injuries suffer them at work after a fall or heavy lifting.  Other herniated disc injuries might result from performing the same or similar tasks over and over again.

Per the Mayo Clinic, some employees who suffer from herniated discs are able to return to work within a matter of weeks or months. In other instances, though, a herniated disc may warrant surgery or prove career-ending.

Signs of a herniated disc

The majority of herniated discs occur in your back, and in particular, your lower back. However, these injuries also occur in the neck in some cases. Often, they affect one side of the body over the other. You may have a herniated disc if you are experiencing pain in your leg or arm.

If the herniated disc is in your back, you may experience pain in your calf, thigh or rear end. If the injury is in your neck, you are more likely to feel pain in your arm or shoulder. Other signs of a herniated disc include weakness around the affected area or numbness or tingling in the areas impacted by the affected nerve.

Risk factors for a herniated disc

Your chances of suffering a herniated disc increase when you work in a job that involves heavy physical labor. Jobs that require you to bend sideways, twist your body or pull and push heavy objects all raise your risks of experiencing a herniated disc. You may, too, become more susceptible to these injuries as you age. Having extra weight on your body also increases your chances of suffering this type of serious injury.

If you experience any of the above signs of a herniated disc, it may serve you well to seek prompt medical attention.


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