What are career-ending injuries?

The term “career-ending injury” may appear in news reports about athletes, but don’t assume such injuries only affect people in contact sports. Any professional working virtually any job might suffer an injury that ends a specific career. A catastrophic back injury at a North Carolina construction site may never work physical labor again. A musician might experience car accident injuries that end a promising career. Sadly, these and other incidents could result from someone’s negligence.

Troubling career-ending disasters

Several career paths come with inherent risks for severe injuries that could alter a professional’s life. A professional skier could lose control on the slope and suffer a broken leg, one that ends all future career aspirations. Knee injuries, particularly torn ACLs, could ruin the careers of athletes and entertainers alike.

Some injuries could require extensive recovery time, forcing a victim to leave a career for many years before returning. While these types of injuries might not end a career, they could dramatically harm earning potential and leave the victim with other problems. A person distraught over being out of work could suffer from depression or another psychological issue.

Suffering due to someone’s negligence

Imagine if a professional athlete discovered a career-ending injury derived from faulty equipment. A construction worker might lose his or her career for a similar reason. Perhaps someone’s foolish horseplay led to the injury. In such cases, the victim may file a personal injury lawsuit.

Full-time employees that suffer injuries on the job could explore workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ comp may also provide for those who suffer permanent disabilities. When a third party causes the injury, the victim might seek workers’ compensation and file a third-party negligence lawsuit. While financial benefits can’t cure a career-ending injury, the payments could provide the necessary support to cover expenses.

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